全职高手 The King's Avatar - Chinese Vocab from Episode 5,6

瞻仰 zhān yǎng 
to admire

守成望夫石 shǒu chéng wàng fū shí 
folk story where a wife waits for the return of her husband and eventually becomes a stone, showing unwavering love and loyalty.

戳 chuō 
to poke

硬刚 yìng gāng
direct confrontation

另辟蹊径 lìng bì xī jìng 
do things in a different, alternate way


人财两空 rén cái liǎng kōng 
lose life and property, lose beauty and possessions

薄情 báo qíng 
cold, fickle (in relationships)

高大伟岸 gāo dà wěi àn 
tall and imposing

洋溢 yáng yì 
brimming in

抵御外侮 dǐ yù wài 
defend against foreign humiliation

光名磊落 guāng míng lěi luò 
open and candid

切磋 qiē cuō 
to compare notes

使绊子 shǐ bàn zǐ 
to use dishonest, unfair methods to secretly harm somebody

艰巨 jiān jù
terrible, arduous, very difficult (task)
