Tanaka Radio : Ep.1: Embarrassing Memories (Japanese)

【Japanese Listening】Ep.1: Embarrassing Memories | Story time | Tanaka Radio

I think I'm a visual learner because I love to read (and write).  Japanese is much more difficult for me and I had to replay this several times.

I also downloaded a new dictionary app from the App store called: Shirabe Jisho. Being able to write Kanji is a must! This app even teaches you the strokes for the Kanji. 

I also think Japanese is easier for me than Korean because it can be romanised... thoughts? Kanji is also less intimidating because I already have a base in Chinese.

Since Tanaka Radio already has a vocab and kanji list that can be bought for $1, I will not be posting my own notes.

Instead, I'll try to write a short embarrassing story of mine. 


あら?本当だった! シャツタグ見たんです!

家庭教師 katekyoshi : home tutor
裏返 uragae: turn over
紺色 koniro : dark blue, navy
急いで isoide: hurriedly, quickly
着替え kigae: change of clothes
