开端 Reset - Episodes 4,5,6

Episode 4

人为引爆 - (an explosion) triggered by a person
严实 - sealed, tight
惨烈 - bitter, desperate, horrible
负罪感 - guilt
趋利避害 - to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

Episode 5

实质 - substance (eg. no substantial evidence)
排查 - check (with a list or within some limits)
头头是道 - clear and logical
支点 - supporting point
猝不及防 - no time to prepare/defend for a sudden event
挠 náo - scratch
捋 lǚ - stroke
推演 - deduction
刷夜 - spend the night outside
夜不归宿 - not going home at night
争分夺秒 - race against time 
怵 chù - fear
梳理 - comb, sort out (information)
待机状态 - standby mode
递进 - progressively
天人永隔 - separated by heaven and earth (regarding death)

Episode 6

Including this screenshot because the large wall poster of Haikyuu 排球少年 made me smile.

声张 - to make public / make a public announcement
逐一 - one by one
无穷 - infinity

抽丝剥茧 chōu sī bāo jiǎn - to spin silk from cocoons, to carry out a meticulous job
咆哮 páoxiào - to shout, roar
不服管教 - to be disobedient, undisciplined
奇装异服 - dressed fancifully, strangely
格格不入 - out of place, incompatible with

每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负 - every day that you you did not dance, is a betrayal of life. I understand this as a quote that means something along the lines of 'live every day fully because it is precious', or 'every day that is not celebrated is wasted'. 

带节奏 - Chinese explanation here. I understand it as leading, stirring and inciting emotional responses from people, usually done anonymously and on the Internet.
执意 - to insist on, persist in 
