开端 - Reset Episode 1

My friend recommended me this C-drama called 开端, or Reset in English. It's a time loop drama that was pretty popular early this 2022. I haven't watched a C-drama in YEARS and it's pretty hilarious. I've picked up some new vocabulary though, so all's good.


开端 : beginning
文文气气 : cultured
监控: CCTV/monitor
大数据时代:Big data era (information era perhaps)
咸猪手: pervert

拽 zhuāi: hurl
一码归一码: that is one thing, this is another
颅 内 lu : cranium/skull
淤血 : blood congestion(?)
忌讳 Jìhuì: taboo
轻举妄动 : act rashly

有所顾忌 : have misforgivings
惊悚 jīng sǒng: horrifying, frightening

Off to watch the next episode!
