开端 Reset 7 -15 Finale


Combining the second half of the series because some episodes I picked up little to no vocabulary.

Episode 7

调取 retrieve
瘆人 scary, creepy
紧张兮兮 nervous behaviour
迎合 cater
肇事逃逸 hit and run
节哀顺变 I am sorry for your loss (condolences)
腾不出手 can't make it in time
软禁 house arrest
祖上积德 ancestors accumulate good karma/virtue
念叨 talk again and again/ nag
籽 seeds

Episode 8 

应聘 apply (for a job)
事不关己 none of your business
赴死 to meet death
出格 do something out of the ordinary
放飞自我 free yourself
蹿 leap up
认知范围 scope of knowledge
捅人 stab people
血腥暴力 bloody violence

No vocabulary from episodes 9 and 10, maybe it was too tense?! I felt really shaken by how the plot was revealed. The actress is too good at acting creepy. 

Episode 11

细思极恐 pondering
恻隐之心 compassion
隔三岔五 every now and then
搁  put, place
无功而退 failed to make any advances, forced to retreat
唬 bluff
掺合 meddle, obstruct
稳住心神 stay calm
甄别 - distinguish 

Episodes 12-15

模棱两可 ambiguous
原地打转 go around in circles
把控 control
晋升 promotion (job)
劳动标兵 model worker
拖后腿 hold back
胁迫 coerce
掩埋 buried

兴师问罪 to criticise violently/condemn
草草了事 to do something hastily and carelessly
蛰伏 be dormant/ in seclusion
憋着 hold back
无理取闹 make trouble with no reason
匿名 anonymous
免提 hands-free mode (for phones)
备份 back up
网盘 file hosting service
寥寥无几 very few
哗众取宠 try to please the public with claptrap
猥亵 molest

Wow, the drama really picked up the pace for the second half of the season. Had me at the edge of the seat. I learnt lots of words too! Hope this helps in language learning.

Signing off, 
