Chinese Podcast: Why Are Some Chinese Men So Feminine?

Other than reading Chinese novels and newspapers, I've found that the interviews and podcasts from 
the YouTube channel, Mandarin Corner, really useful! They teach me words and urban slang that I have never learnt in school. 

Here are a list of words I picked up from the video and what I understood them to be (using the subtitles for help):

审美 - beauty standard
真人秀 - reality show
质量要求 - expectations 
引起很大的争论 - caused a lot of controversy/discussion
脑残粉 - dumb, obsessed fans 
吐槽 - complain
磨难 - torture, suffering
抨击 - attack 
乌烟瘴气 - a bad atmosphere/environment
尖酸刻薄 - harsh criticism
互怼 - attacking each other
跟风 - following trends
外因 - external reason/factor
内因 - internal reason/factor
蓬勃发展 - flourish, thrive
崛起 - rise, spring up
娇弱 - delicate
肩不能挑,手不能提 - someone who does not do any labour and is therefore weak
阴柔温婉 - feminine and gentle
阳刚 - masculine
直男 - straight man
区别 - difference
强悍 - tough
女汉子 - tough girl / tom boy (?)
固执的偏见 - strong biased opinion
后现代思潮 - post modern thought
涌入 - enter/influx
颠覆- overthrow existing rules 
取悦观众 - pander to the audience
片酬 - renumeration/money paid
融为一体 - become one
消隐的状态 - state of seclusion
差异 - difference

A concept I thought was interesting regarding the Western VS Eastern ideals of the perfect person:
西方 : 对抗自然 to subdue nature and overcome it
东方:强调人与自然的一种结合 to become one, in harmony with nature

That's all for today!

