


弱势群体 Ruòshì qúntǐ : disadvantaged groups

生活素质 Shēnghuó sùzhì : quality of life

不一: not the same, differs

社会福利机构 Shèhuì fúlì jīgòu: social welfare group

租赁 Zūlìn: rent, lease

事倍功半 Shìbèigōngbàn : twice the effort for half the result

营利团体 Yínglì tuántǐ: for profit organisations

咨询 Zīxún : consultation

转介援助 Zhuǎn jiè yuánzhù: referral assistance

津贴 jīntiē: allowance (👩 我以前都以为津贴是用‘金’字呢!)

招募 Zhāomù : recruit

筛选Shāixuǎn : filter (people)
